Sociology on Trial levels an indictment against those sociologists who have compromised the intellectual tradition of critical social analysis. Contemporary sociology, these essays contend, has succumbed to the blandishments of modern society. Such prominent observers as Karl Mannheim, Hans Gerth, and C. Wright Mills here examine sociology's present intellectual climate, its use of value neutrality as a disguise and defense and its suppression of history. New work styles and strategies are suggested by Robert Nisbet, Lewis Feuer, and others: for contemporary sociology must broaden its scope and diversify its approach if it is to deal meaningfully with the complexities of modern society.
This dusk jacket description of this far reaching work, underestimated the true impact of this seminal work. Years after its publication, Art Vidich revealed that this book played a major role in influencing a whole generation of radical sociologists to re-think "establishment" sociology. The book, translated into numerous languages, continues to attract an audience for those interested in the limits of so-called "value neutrality."
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