Tuesday, October 17, 2017



Ph.D. Harvard University, 1953
University College, University of London, Fulbright Scholar, 1950-51
M.A. University of Wisconsin, 1948
U.S. Marine Corps, 1942-1946 (Guam, Saipan, Japan)
B.A. University of Michigan, 1943
University of Wisconsin, 1940-1942


Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, Department of Sociology New School for Social Research, Graduate Faculty, 1992-2006
Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, Department of Sociology New School for Social Research, Graduate Faculty, 1960-1992
Chairman, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, New School for Social Research, Graduate Faculty, 1964-1969, Acting Chairman Department of Sociology, 1970-1973, 1975-1976; Chairman, 1978-85
Distinguished Visiting Professor, State University of New York, New Paltz, March 2-6, 1981 and May 4-15, 1981
Breman Professor of Social Relations, University of North Carolina, Asheville, July 7-August 10, 1979
Distinguished Lecturer, Kyoto-American Studies Seminar, Kyoto, Japan, Summer 1978
Visiting Professor, University of California, San Diego, Department of Sociology, September-December, 1977
Senior Fulbright Lecturer, University of Zagreb, Yugoslavia, June 1973-January 1974
Visiting Professor, New College, Sarasota, Florida, 1969-1970
Visiting Professor, Clark University, Spring, 1963, 1964, 1966
Visiting Professor of Sociology, Universidad Nacional, Bogota, Colombia, 1964
Visiting Associate, Florence Heller Graduate School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare, Brandeis University, 1960-1966
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Connecticut, 1957-1960
Associate Professor, College of Social Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, 1954 -1957.
Assistant Professor and Resident Field Director, Cornell University, 1951-1954


POLITICAL FACTIONALISM IN PALAU: ITS RISE AND DEVELOPMENT, N.S.F.-C.I.M.A. Report 23, Washington, D.C. 1949,  http://openlibrary.org/b/OL17110205M

SMALL TOWN IN MASS SOCIETY, Princeton, 1958, revised edition. 1968 (co-author), Spanish edition, Direcclon General de Publicaclones, Universidad National Autonoma de Mexico, 1975

IDENTITY AND ANXIETY, Free Press, 1960 (co-author)

SOCIOLOGY ON TRIAL, Prentice-Hall, 1963 (co-author); Italian edition, Sociologia Alla Prova. Roma 1969, Armando Editore

REFLECTIONS ON COMMUNITY STUDIES, John Wiley and Sons, 1964 (co-author). Harper Torchbook Edition, 1972

THE METHOD AND THEORY OF ETHNOLOGY, Paul Radin. edited with an introduction, pp. vii-cxv. Basic Books, 1966

THE NEW AMERICAN SOCIETY, Quadrangle, The New York Time Book Company, 1971 (co-author) (3 Editions Published)





AMERICAN SOCIETY: THE WELFARE STATE AND BEYOND. Bergin and Garvey; South Hadley, MA. Second Edition with a new Foreword and two additional chapters Of THE NEW AMERICAN SOCIETY: THE REVOLUTION OF THE MIDDLE CLASSES (with Joseph Bensman), 1986.

THE METHOD AND THEORY OF ETHNOLOGY (Paul Radin), Introduction and concluding chapter by Arthur J. Vidich. Bergin and Garvey; South Hadley, MA. 1987.

TOWARDS A PUBLIC PHILOSOPHY FOR SOCIOLOGY: ESSAYS BY HERBERT BLUMER. Introduction and Conclusion by Stanford M. Lyman and Arthur J. Vidich. University of Arkansas Press. 1988.

AMERICAN SOCIOLOGY: WORLDLY REJECTIONS OF RELIGION AND THEIR DIRECTIONS. Yale University Press; New Haven, CT (with Stanford M. Lyman), 1986. (Serbo-Croatian edition in translation, 1991)


KARL MARX: CATALYST OF MODERN THOUGHT, Collected essays of Marx. Engels, Veblen. Laski, Small, Weber, Heimann, Lederer, Schumpeter, Lowe, and Parsons. Edited with Harry Dahms (forthcoming).

THE NEW MIDDLE CLASSES SOCIAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, AND POLITICAL ISSUES, New York, NY. New York University Press, 1994 http://www.nyupress.org/books/The_New_Middle_Classes-products_id-975.html

THE NEW MIDDLE CLASSES: LIFESTYLES STATUS CLAIMS AND POLITICAL ORIENTATIONS, N.Y., New York University Press and Macmillan International, 1995; a volume in the series. Main Trends in the Modem Epoch.


SELECTED WORKS OF HERBERT BLUMER: A PUBLIC PHILOSOPHY FOR MASS SOCIETY. Urbana, IL, University of Illinois Press, 2000 (with S.M. Lyman) http://www.getcited.org/pub/100447407

WITH A CRITICAL EYE, AN INTELLECTUAL AND HIS TIMES, Knoxville, TN, Newfound Press, 2009, Edited and introduced by Robert Jackall


1949 Political Factionalism in Palau; Its Rise and Development. Research study submitted to the National Research Council. Published and distributed to selected libraries by the Wenner-Gren Foundation.

1954 "The Validity of Field Data," (co-author). HUMAN ORGANIZATION, Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring. Reprinted in HUMAN ORGANIZATION RESEARCH, Dorsey Press, 1960. Reprinted in REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES, Spring, 1957.

1955 "Participant Observation and the Collection and Interpretation of Data," AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY, Vol. 60, No. 4, January 1955: 354-360: DOI: 10.1086/221567

"A Comparison of Participant Observation and Survey Data," AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY, Vol. 20, No. 1, February 1955: 28-33 (co-author).

1956 "Methodological Problems in the Observation of Husband-Wife Interaction," MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIVING, Vol. 18, No. 3. Augusut 1955: 234-239
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/347211

1957 "Social Role of the Anthropological Advisor," AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST,
Vol. 59. No. 5, 1957: 878-883 . http://www.jstor.org/pss/665854

"The Future of Community Life: A Case Study and Reflections, (co-author) In PSYCHOANALYSIS AND THE FUTURE, National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis, Inc., New York, January 1957, pp. 57-84.

"Farmer in the Trap," (co-author), NATION, May 3. 1957. http://www.since1865.com/archive/detail/13399951

1958 SMALL TOWN IN MASS SOCIETY, CLASS, POWER AND TOE RELIGION IN A RURAL COMMUNITY (co-author), Princeton Press. Anchor Paperback edition, 1960.

Sections of SMALL TOWN AND MASS SOCIETY have been reprinted as follows:

"Village Politics", In DEMOCRACY IN URBAN AMERICA, 0. Williams and C. Press (eds.), Rand McNally. 1961.

"The Politics of the Small Community". In MODERN SOCIOLOGY. Gouldner and Gouldner (eds.), Harcourt Brace. 1963.

"The Small Town" reprinted in PERSPECTIVES ON TOE SOCIAL ORDER. H.L. ROSS, (ed.), McGraw-Hill. 1963.

"Springdale and the Mass Society", in LIFE IN SOCIETY. Lasswell, Burma and Aronson, (eds.), Scott Foresman, 1965).

"Small Town In Mass Society" In PERSPECTIVES ON THE AMERICAN COMMUNITY. Roland L. Warren (ed.). Rand McNally. 1966.

"Personality and the Minimization of Personal Conflicts". In ANALYSIS OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY, Bernard Rosenberg (ed.). Crowell, 1966.

"Springdale’s Image of Itself", In THE STUDY OF SOCIETY, Peter I. Ross, ed.. Random House, 1966.

"Religion In Springdale" In THE CONVERTED CHURCH by Paul Stagg, Judson Press, 1967.

"The Major Dimensions of Social and Economic Class" In SOCIAL CLASS IN [AMERICA. Ahmad Ashraf, University of Tehran, 1967.

"Village Politics" in COMMUNITY POWER by Frederick C. Wirt, Prentice Hall, 1968.

"The Clash of Class Interests in School Politics" In SOCIO-CULTURAL FOUNDATIONS OF GUIDANCE, Holt Rinehart, 1968.

"The Clash of Class Interests in School Politics" in EDUCATION IN SOCIETY, F. Hunt, Australia, 1968.

"Springdale and the Mass Society" in COMPARATIVE COMMUNITIES—CROSS CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES, Robert French, J.L. Peacock, 1969.

"The Classes" in STRATIFICATION IN AMERICA by Llewellyn Gross. Prentice Hall. 1969.

Sections of SMALL TOWN AND MASS SOCIETY have been anthologized two or
three times a year each year since 1969 to the present.

"La Estructura Social y la Psiocologia del ajuste," REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES, Vol. 2, No.2.

"Social and Economic Dimensions of Class in Springdale," (co-author), THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY, April, 1958. Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 261-277.

1959 "Freedom and Responsibility in Research," HUMAN ORGANIZATION, Vol. 17, No.4 "Psychological Techniques of Adjustment to Community Values," REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES, March 1959, Vol. Ill, No.1.


"Social Theory and Social Research," AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY, Vol. LX No. 6. Reprinted in SOCIOLOGY ON TRIAL, 1963.

"Freedom and Responsibility In Research," HUMAN ORGANIZATION, Vol. 19. No 1, 1960: 3-4
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.17730/humo.19.1.c4237p78776553j1

"Cambio de Personalidad en la Vida Militar." REVISTA DE CIENCHIAS SOCIALES, Vol. IV, Junto, 1960. No. 2, pp. 339-356.

"Identity and History" and "The Dissolved Identity in Military Life," both in IDENTITY AND ANXIETY, 1960, pp. 17-36 and 493-506.

1961 “Political Psychology of Dependent Societies" papers of the VIth Latin American Congress of Sociology, Caracas, Venezuela.

1962 "Business Cycles, Class and Personality." (with J. Bensman) in PSYCHOANALYSIS AND PSYCHOANALYTIC REVIEW, Summer 1962. Reprinted in AMERICAS AS A MASS SOCIETY. P. Olson (ed.), Free Press, 1963.

"Power Cliques in Bureaucratic Society." SOCIAL RESEARCH, Winter 1962, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 467-474(with J. Bensman). Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40969630

1963 "SOCIOLOGY ON TRIAL, Prentice Hall, Spectrum paperback original (edited with M. Stein).

"The Higher Dialectic of Philanthropy," SOCIAL RESEARCH, Winter 1963, Vol. 30, No. 4: pp 409-418.   Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40969701
 Reprinted in READINGS IN MODERN SOCIOLOGY, D. Wrong and H. Gracey, Free Press, 1967.

1964 REFLECTIONS ON COMMUNITY STUDIES, J. Wiley and Sons, (co-author). "The Springdale Case: Academic Bureaucrats and Sensitive Townspeople," In REFLECTIONS, (with J. Bensman).

1965 "Paul Radin and Contemporary Anthropology" In SOCIAL RESEARCH, Winter 1965, Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 375-407. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40969815

1966 Introduction (125 pages) to the re-Issue of Paul Radin's METHOD AND THEORY OF ETHNOLOGY, Basic Books, Inc., New York.

1968 SMALL TOWN IN MASS SOCIETY, revised edition including 150 pages of new material, Princeton Press.

"The New Middle Classes and Urban Reform Politics" in the TENTH STREET BULLETIN, January 26, 1968 #7

1969 "Philanthropy, A Significant Economic Institution," ARTS MANAGEMENT, Feb.,1969.

1970 "The New Middle Classes: Their Culture and Life Styles," THE JOURNAL OF AESTHETIC EDUCATION, University of Illinois, January 1970, Vol. 4 No1, pp. 23-39 (co-author).
DOI: 10.2307/3331491

Anthropology and the Behavioral and Health Sciences (ed. D. VonMering and L. Kasdan), Univ. Pittsburgh Press, Part I, Sociology Commentary, pp. 56-59.

"The Struggle for the Underdeveloped World," CARIBBEAN REVIEW, Fall 1970, Vol. 2,No.3.

"The Interlocking Directorate in the Knowledge Industry," in SOCIAL PROBLEMS AND SOCIAL POLICY, Appleton-Century-Crofts, pp. 181-188.

1971 THE NEW AMERICAN SOCIETY (with J. Bensman) Quadrangle, Spring. 306 pp.

"The High School Principal In N.Y. City" (with C. McReynolds), in ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES ON EDUCATION, Basic Books


1972 "The Cultural Contradictions of Daniel Bell" (with J. Bensman), JOURNAL OF AESTHETIC EDUCATION, January, 1972, Vol. 6, No.1/2, pp. 53-65: DOI: 10.2307/3331411

1973 "Political Policy and Welfare Services" Chapter II of NIMH Task Force VI. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL FACTORS IN COMMUNITY HEALTH TRAINING.

1974 THE NEW AMERICAN SOCIETY, paperback edition. Quadrangle. The New York Times, Book Co. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Vidich,%20Arthur%20J.

"Comment on Diane Lewis' "Anthropology and Colonialism", CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY, December 1973, Vol 14, No. 5. p. 597. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2741037

"Ideological Themes in American Anthropology", SOCIAL RESEARCH, Winter 1974, Vol. 41: No. 4, pp. 719-745.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40970205

"Anthropologija u Modernom svijetu," REVIJA ZA SOCIOLOGIJU, Gadlna 4, pp. 13-28, Zagreb.

1975 “Recent Developments in American Society: Reply to Ivan Light” in Theory and Society, Vol. 2, No. 1 Spring1975, pp. 125-133, with J. Bensman.
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/657043

Social Conflict in the Era of Détente: New Roles for Ideologues, Revolutionaries and Youth,” Social Research, Spring 1975, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 64-87. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/41582816

La Pequena Poblacion en La Sociedad de Masas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Spanish edition of Small Town in Mass Society,

Metropolitan Communities: New Forms of Urban Sub-Communities, Franklin-Watts, NY (with J. Bensman). 296 pp

“Political Legitimacy in Bureaucratic Society: An Analysis of Watergate,” Social Research, Winter 1975, Vol. 42, No. 4 , pp. 778-811. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/41582864

1976 “The Crisis in Contemporary Capitalism and the Failure of Nerve” Sociological Inquiry, Vol. 46, #3-4 (with J. Bensman). http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/119642345/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0

1979 "Community Structures in World Perspective: Decline and Transfiguration," Qualitative Sociology, May 1979, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 45-72: doi:10.1007/BF02390133

Problems of Legitimacy in Third World Countries," in CONFLICT AND

Review of THE ORIGINS OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC DISORDER by Fred Block, in The Journal of Economic Sociology

1980 "Prodigious Fathers, Prodigal Sons," review essay of Nisbet and Bottomore, HISTORY OF SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS in Qualitative Analysis. with S.M. Lyman

1980 Revolutions in Community Structures: in the Dying community. A. Gallaher, Jr. and H. Padfleld (eds). University of New Mexico Press

“Prospects for Peace in the Nuclear World,” Journal of Political and Military Sociology, Vol. 8,  No. 1, Spring 1980, pp. 85-97

The Theodicy of Man-Made Hazards,” Anthropology Research Center Newsletter, September `1980, Vol. 4 (3)

Inflation and Social Structure: The United States in an Epoch of Declining Abundance,” Social Problems, June 1980,  Vol. 27 (5), pp. 636-649: DOI: 10.2307/800201

1981 Sociology and Society: Disciplinary Tensions and Professional Compromises,” Social Research, Summer 1981, Vol. 48 (2) pp. 322-361, [with S.M. Lyman and J.C. Goldfarb)
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40970823 

1982 "Hans Gerth: A Modern Intellectual Exile," Introduction to POLITICS CHARACTER AND CULTURE: ESSAYS FROM HANS GERTH

“The Moral, Economic and Political Meaning of Labor in American Society,” Social Research, Fall Secular Evangelism at the University of Wisconsin,” Social Research, (with S.M. Lyman) Civilization, Consciousness and Rationality: In Honor of Benjamin N. Nelson. Special Issue of Social Research, edited with an Introduction, Fall.

1983 "Social and Political Consequences of Inflation, Unemployment and Declining Abundance," in INFLATION THROUGH THE AGES: ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL ASPECTS (edited by Schmukler and Marcus), Columbia University Press

"The Rationalization of the Social Sciences," The New American Review
("Situaclon Actual de la Sociologia Norteamericana," in PERSPECTIVAS SOCIOLOGICAS INTERNATIONALES, Corporacion Editorial Unlversitaria de Colombia, Call, pp. 1-24.

1985 "Socijaini Pokretic I Gradansko Drustvo: Teoria Socijalnog Procesa u Americkoj Zajednici," (with Stanford Lyman) in REVIJA ZA SOCIOLOGIJU, Vol. 1, 1985.

1986 "The Moral, Economic and Political Status of Labor in American Society," in THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE, vol. 9, no. 1. pp. 43-61. 1986. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/114054567/abstract

"State, Ethics and Public Morality in American Sociological Thought," in Mark Wardell and Stephen P. Turner, SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY IN TRANSITION, Alien and Unwin; Boston, pp. 44-58 (with Stanford M. Lyman), 1986.

Introduction to Hans Speier, THE GERMAN WHITE COLLAR WORKER AND HITLER, Yale University Press: New Haven, CT, 1986.

"Klasai RsligiJa u Americkoj Politici," in REVIJA ZA SOCIOLOGIJU, Vol. XVI, pp. 181-195, 1986.

1987 Religion, Economic and Class in American Politics,” in Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 1, No. 1. pp. 4-22, Fall, 1987. http://www.springerlink.com/content/p85pw25241243p13/

1988 “The Values and Morality of Scientists,” in Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 1, No. 3. Spring 1988, pp. 471-486. http://www.springerlink.com/content/j41350914085hu2p/

Fraternization and Rationality in Global Perspective: (with Michael Hughey) in Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 2, No. 2. Winter 1988, pp. 242-256. http://www.springerlink.com/content/p15781398400534m/

1989 Prologue to Hans Speier, THE TRUTH IN HELL, Oxford University Press; NY, 1989.

1990 "The American Democracy in the Late 20th Century," in POLITICS CULTURE AND SOCIETY, Vol. 4, no. 1. Autumn 1990, .pp. 5-29:  http://www.springerlink.com/content/r3335784k635jg74/

1991 "The End of the Enlightenment and Modernity: The Irrational Ironies of Rationalization," in POLITICS, CULTURE AND SOCIETY, Vol. 4, no. 3, 1991 http://www.springerlink.com/content/wm7r8709u8700371/

Religious Contributions to Social Movements, Journal of Religious Ethics (18) 1991, 7-25.(with S. Lyman)

"Social Theory and the Substantive Problems of Sociology" in POLITICS. CULTURE AND SOCIETY. Vol. 4. no. 4,  Summer 1991.pp. 517-534: http://www.springerlink.com/content/nm02622r420178w2/


1992 Foreword to MAX WEBER'S SOCIOLOGY OF INTELLECTUALS, by Ahmad Sadri, Oxford University Press; NY, 1992.

"Boston's North End: An American Epic," in CONTEMPORARY ETHNOGRAPHY. Vol. 21, no. 1. 1992. http://jce.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/21/1/80

"Veblen and Post-Keynesian Political Economy" in REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE SOCIOLOGIE. New Series,Vol. 3, no. 3, 1992.pp. 151-181

“The new American pluralism: Racial and ethnic sodalities and their sociological implications” in POLITICS. CULTURE AND SOCIETY. Vol. 6. no. 4, 1993. (with Michael Hughey) Vol. 6, No. 2, December 1992. http://www.springerlink.com/content/w6532222823x7533/

1993 Foreword to Claus-Dieter Krohn, INTELLECTUALS IN EXILE; THE NEW SCHOOL FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH. University of Mass. Press, Fall. 1993.

"Veblen, Weber and Marx on political economy" in POLITICS. CULTURE AND SOCIETY. Vol. 6. no. 4, 1Summer 993, pp. 491-505. (with Michael Hughey) http://www.springerlink.com/content/tp06v8h74685nvl1/

1994 "The History of Qualitative Methods in Sociology and Anthropology" (with Stanford M. Lyman) to appear in HANDBOOK OF QUALITATIVE METHODS, eds. Norman Denzin and Ivanna Lincoln, Sage, 1994.

"The Higher Learning in America in Veblen's Time and in Our Own" in The International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 7, # 4, Summer 1994, pp.639-68. http://www.springerlink.com/content/n482gm2750t35106/


1995 "Towards a Rational Grasp of Irrationality: Some Lags in Social and Economic Theory," The International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 9, # 1, Fall 1995, pp. 5-28. http://www.springerlink.com/content/jm95mv603um1252u/

1996 "Empirical Realities and Social and Economic Theorizing: Some Starting Assumptions for Research," Revija za Sociologiyu, vol. 27, No. 1-2. 1996, p.21-36.

1999 "The Cultural Contradictions of Daniel Bell" (with J. Bensman), The International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 12, # 3, Spring 1999, pp. 503-514


"State, Society and Calvinism: Parsons and Merton as Seen From Abroad," in POLITICS, CULTURE AND SOCIETY, Vol. 2, no. 1, Fall 1988, pp. 109-121. (Review of TALCOTT PARSONS AND THE CAPITALIST NATION STATE. ROBERT MERTON: AN INTELLECTUAL PROFILE and TALCOTT PARSONS ON ECONOMY AND SOCIETY).


Constance Perin, BELONGING IN AMERICA, in CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY. Vol. 19, no. 3. May 1990.

"Baudrillard's America: Lost in the Ultimate Simulacrum," article length review in THEORY, CULTURE AND SOCIETY. Vol. 8. no. 4, 1991

"Twenty Years After the Coming Crisis," in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE STUDIES IN EDUCATION, Vol. 4, no. 39. 1991.(Retrospective on Alvin Gouldner's THE COMING CRISIS IN WESTERN SOCIOLOGY).

"Intelligence Agencies and the Universities; Further Implications of the Thesis Advanced by Sigmund Diamond," in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLITICS, CULTURE AND SOCIETY, Vol. 6, no. 4, 1992. (Review of Sigmund Diamond's COMPROMISED CAMPUS; THE INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES IN THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES).


"Veblen, Weber and Marx on Political Economy." in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OP POLITICS, CULTURE AND SOCIETY, vol. 6, no. 4, 1993, pp. 491-505.

"A Note on the Alleged Decomposition of Sociology" in The International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society. Vol. 7, #, Spring 1994. pp.569-71.

"Atomic Bombs and the American Democracy". Review of Guy Oakes' book The Imaginary War, in The International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Vol. 8, No. 3. Spring 1995. http://www.springerlink.com/content/m4000001p06g8r45/


THE AMERICAN SUCCESS DILEMMA. M.A. Thesis, Univ. of Wisconsin (1948) 190 pp.


Research and analysis on problems of religion, capitalism, and the state
Research on intellectuals
Research on problems of self, community and sociodicy
Research on Yugoslavia


American Anthropological Association, Denver. Nov. 1965

University of Pennsylvania Sociology Colloquia Lecture on American Class Structure Dec. 1965

Washington University, St. Louis, Seminar on the “Anthropology of Complex Societies,” twenty participants, arranged by Alvin Wolff. Paper presented. Feb. 1966

Connecticut College for Women, New London, two day college-wide conference on “Creativity in a Technological Age.” Presented one of three papers along with B.F. Skinner and Henry Morgenan, and acted as a panelist. Feb. 1966

Organized and conducted a Ford Foundation sponsored seminar at Yale University on Latin American research. March 1966

Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia. April 1966

World Congress of Psychology (by invitation of the ACLA for the express purpose of meeting Russian sociologists). Moscow. (Paper presented). August 1966

While in Europe during the summer of 1966, I went to Warsaw and Zagreb for the express purpose of meeting Polish and Yugoslav sociologists. Summer 1966

World Congress of Sociology, Evian, France. Sept. 1966

Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, Pittsburgh, (discussant on symposium on “Anthropology and Neighboring Disciplines, Sociology and Anthropology.” Nov. 1966

Victor E. Pitkin Research Institute on Problems of Education. Talk in Middle Class children. Feb. 1967
College of General Studies, University of Puerto Rico. Three lectures on American Social Structure. Feb. 1967

Clark University Sociology Colloquium. March 1967

"Ethnocentrism in Anthropology," American Anthropological Association, N.Y., November, 1971.

"Small Towns and New Communities", American Anthropological Association, N.Y., November, 1971.

"Cities, Communities and Civilizations," Panel Discussion, Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, April, 1972.

"Urban Communities," American Sociological Association, New Orleans, Sept. 1972.

"The Quest for Community." Fifth Annual Muskingum College Sociological Colloquium, Nov. 12-14, 1972.

First International Sociological Conference on Participation and Self-Management, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, Dec. 13-17, 1972, participating member.

Chairman, Workshop Session, "Doctoral Production and Social Policy," Eastern Sociological Society, Annual Meeting April 14, 1973.

Discussant on two panels, "Structuralism and Sociology" and "Styles and Issues In Teaching Community," American Sociological Association, Aug. '73, N.Y.

Fulbright Lecturer on American Society, University of Zagreb, Yugoslavia, June, 1973-January, 1974.

The International Council of the University Emergency Conference on “The Crisis of the University,” Venice, October 14-17, 1973, Observer.

United Nations Conference on “Rural Industrialization in Developing Countries”, Bucharest, September 24-28, 1973, Observer.

"Elites and Societal Coordination", American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, August 26-29, 1974. Round Table Discussion Leader.

International Conference on the Social Sciences and Problems of Development. Tehran, Iran. Jointly sponsored by University of Iran and Princeton University. May 17-20, 1974.

New School Bonn Conference, June, 1974: Paper "Social Conflict in the Ear of Detente".

Rhode Island State College, March, 1973: "American Society: Dissensus and Detente".

Graduate Faculty Sociology Club, April, 1973: "Bureaucracy and Workers Participation: The Case of Yugoslavia"

General Seminar, Graduate Faculty, April, 1973, "Ideological Themes in American Anthropology.

Several public lectures In Yugoslavia while on Fulbright, Fall, 1973.

"Critical Issues in Anthropological Theory," American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Mexico, December, 1974.

Keynote Speaker, University of Maryland School of Social Work and Community Planning Conference on "Collapse of Abundance." Address entitled "Increasing Scarcity: Consequences for American Society". Jan. 21-22, 1975.

Plenary Session Speaker. Annual Meeting, Eastern Sociological Society, "Détente: Prospects for Conflict and War", New York. April, 1975.

"Class Structure and Class Conflict in American Society," Round table presented at Annual Meetings of American Sociological Association, San Francisco August, 1975.

Aspen-Persepolis Conference, Persepolis, Iran. Invited Participant, Sept. 12-24, 1975.

Arizona State College, Council on Humanities Symposium, "Political Ethics", November 22, 1975.

American Anthropological Association, "The Role of the Culture Concept in Anthropoloty". Annual Meetings, San Francisco, Dec. 2-6, 1975.

Plenary Speaker, Southern New England Regional Undergraduate Research Conference in Sociology, Providence College. April 10, 1976. "American Society in the1970's".

Master Lecture Series, Ramapo College, N.J., "Political Tensions In an Age of Decreasing Abundance," May 4, 1976.

Williams College, "The Crisis of Contemporary Capitalism", May 12, 1976.

Marlboro College, "The Crisis of Contemporary Capitalism", May 14, 1976.

Empire State College, Center for Labor Studies, "The Multi-National Corporation in the Modern World", June 4, 1976.

Boston Festival for Critical Social Theory, Boston University, July 26-28, 1976, "Modern Capitalism, Its Crisis, Its Future".

American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, New York, N.Y., August 27- September 1, 1976, Roundtables on "Legitimation Problems of Capitalist and Communist Countries" and "The Middle Class In the American Urban Community".

American Sociological Association, Annual Meetings, Chicago, September 3-7, 1977; paper, “Capital Accumulation, Imperialism and the Third World,” Roundtable, “Images of Community in Social Theory”

Breman Professorship Public Lectures, University of North Carolina, Asheville, “American Society: Current Tensions and Conflicts,” August 29, 1977; “The Changing Role of the U.S. in World Affairs,” September 14, 1977.

University of California, San Diego, Sociology Colloquium, "American Society and the Crisis of Capitalism," October 20, 1977

University of California, San Francisco, Sociology Colloquium, "The Discovery of Problems In Field Research," December 16, 1977

Arizona State University, Tempe, Lecture January 22, 1978 and University of Oklahoma, Norman, Lecture, January 25, 1978, "Social and Political Tensions In American Society"

University of Munich, Institute fur Politische Wissenschaft, June 1978. "The Crisis of Western Capitalism"

Lectures on American society in various cities and universities in Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Sapporo) and Korea (Seoul, Teagu), Summer 1978

American Sociological Association, Annual Meetings, San Francisco September 3-8, Roundtable: "Social and Political Sources of International Disorder

New York State Sociological Society. New York, October 7-8, 1978, Chair Plenary Session, "Social Research and Policy Making"

"The Role of Religion In American Culture," Lecture, Gallatin Division Seminar on the Humanities, New York University, February 28, 1979.

"The Prospects for Peace in a Managed World," Eastern Sociological Society, New York, March 17, 1979.

"The Sociology of Nuclear Diplomacy," Williams College Colloquium, April 25. 1979.

“The Sociology of International Relations," Special Studies Seminar. University of North Carolina, Asheville, North Carolina, July 1979.

"Sociology in the Administrative State," Society for the Study of Social Problems. National Meetings, Boston, August 26, 1979 (with S.M. Lyman and J.C. Goldfarb).

"Inflation, Declining Abundance and Class Structure in the United States," Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association, Boston, August 28, 1979.

“A Long View of Community Sociology,” invited panelist for plenary session of Community Section, A.S.A., Boston, August 29, 1979.

Paper on Hans H. Gerth presented at a Memorial Seminar in his honor and on Nels Anderson on the occasion of presenting him with an award for his contributions to Community Sociology, A.S.A. meetings, Boston, August 30, 1979.

"Problems of Yugoslav Immigration to the United States." Slavic Studies Association Meetings, New Haven, Connecticut, October 1979, panel discussant.

City college of New York, “The Role of Religion in American Culture,” October 18, 1979.

New York University Graduate Social Science Seminar, Gallatin Division, November 14, 1979, “Social Science Tensions in a Period of Declining Abundance”

Eighth Brooklyn College conference on Society in Change, March 10-11-12, 1980, Social and Political Consequences of Inflation"

University of New Hampshire, Durham, Department of Political Science, April 3-4, 1980, “Inflation and Social Structure”

Bernardin Fellow, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Missouri, Kansas City. April 7-8-9, 1980.

Three lectures: "Religious Foundations of American Institutions," "Moral and Ethical Problems of American Business," "Class and Politics In Contemporary America"

"Well-Being, Religion and World Order: An Anthropological View," Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, October 29, 1980.

"The United States in the World Political Economy: Prospects for the 1980s," University of Maryland, November 12, 1980.

"Changing Social Structure In a Changing Economy" President's Seminar, New School for Social Research, November 18, 1980.

"Patterns of Social Resentment: Class Responses to Increasing Economic Competition and Scarcity," Gallatin Division, New York University, November 19, 1980.

"Changing Values in a Changing Social Structure," University of Bridgeport, •Doctoral Program In Educational Leadership, January 30, 1981.

"Yugoslavia after Tito," New College, USF. Conference on Eastern Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, March 26-28, 1981.

“Ideology and Problems of Political Legitimacy in the United States," SUNY New Paltz, March 5. 1981.
Annual meetings of the American Sociological Association. Chair, Community Section Council and Business Meeting. October 24-28, 1981.

New York University, Gallatin Division, November 11. 1981. "The Meaning of Reaganism"

Eastern Sociological Society. April 4-6, 1982, Philadelphia, Plenary paper, Neo-Conservatism: The State Administration of Civil and Moral Regulation"

Moorhead State University Visiting Scholars Program, April 25, 1982, "The Meaning of Reaganism"

University of Minnesota, Department of Sociology Colloquium, April 27, 1982, "The Economic and Intellectual Crisis of Sociology"

The Environment of the Work Place and Human Values, A Conference of the Labor Policy Institute of the College of William and Mary, Plenary Paper, "The Moral, Economic and Political Meaning of Work in the United States," May 18-21, 1982

IV Congresso Naclonal de Sociologia, Unlversidad del Valle, Colombia, August 4,5,6, 1982. Plenary Paper, "Situacion Actual de la Sociologia Norteamericana"

American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, September 5-9, 1982, "Community Studies in Related Disciplines: Anthropology"

New York University, Gallatin Division, December 2, 1982, "The Values of Neo-Conservatism"

Eastern Sociological Society, Annual Meetings, Baltimore, March 6, 1983, Discussant for Session: "Legitimation Crisis in Eastern Europe"

Conference on Eastern Europe in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, New College, Sarasota, Florida, March 28-29, 1983: Chair of session, "Industrial Migration and the Environment"

Keynote Speaker, New York State Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Potsdam, New York, October 28-29, 1983, "Self, Community and Society"

Lecture, Center for the Study of Justice, Arizona State University, January 31, 1984, "Bureaucracy, Criminalization and Morality"

Lecture, Montana State University, Department of History and Philosophy conference on small Towns and Villages in the Urban Age, February 3-7, 1984, “American Community Studies”

Organizer and Presider, Emil Lederer International Centennial Symposium, New School for Social Research, October 7-8, 1983, paper: “Religion, State and Civil Society I American Social Theory”

American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, San Antonio, August 1984, paper, “Self Community and the Problem of Public Morality”


Chair of sessions on “Agrarian Populations in Transition” and East European social Developments” at University of South Florida (New College) Conference on Eastern Europe in the Nineteenth and twentieth Centuries, March 28-30, 1985.

“Religious Values in American Political Life,” Graduate Humanities Seminar, Gallatin Division, New York University, November 6, 1985.

The Morality of Scientists,” paper presented at Brooklyn College Humanities Symposium, November 1985.
“What Can Sociologists Learn from Schumpeter and Polanyi?” Round Table discussant, Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington DC, August 30, 1985.

“The Role of Sociology in the Welfare State,” paper presented at City College Symposium on the Crisis of the Social Sciences, February 1986.

Social Problems Theory and the future,” session discussant, Midwest Sociological meetings, Des Moines, Iowa, March 27, 1986.

Author meets the critic session on American Sociology, Midwest Sociological Meetings, Des Moines, Iowa, March 27, 1986.

"The values and Morality of Scientists: Some Unsolved Problems " Brandeis University, Martin Weiner Distinguished Lectureship; April 17, 1986.

Sociology in the Welfare Capitalist State," University of Zagreb and the Croatian Sociological Association. Yugoslavia. May 16, 1986.

Class and Religion in American Politics," First Annual Conference on Social Stratification and Mobility in Comparative Perspectives, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, May 26, 1986

Co-Director, First Annual Conference on Social Stratification and Mobility in Comparative Perspectives, Inter-University Centre of Postgraduate Education, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. May 18-30. 1986.

Discussant for session on "Interaction and Community Life." Society for the study of symbolic Interactionism. New York, August 31, 1986.

"A California School of Interactionism." paper presented at the annual meeting of S.S.S.I., N.Y.. September 1, 1986

"SOHO and the Cultural Development of Lower Manhattan," round table organizer and commentator. Annual Meeting. American Sociological Association. New York, September 3, 1986.
Discussant. "Innovative Methods in Urban Sociology," Annual Meeting of A.S.A., N.Y., September 3, 1986.
"Anthropology and Truth: Some Old Problems." American Anthropological Association Meetings. Panel Looking Backward, Looking Forward, Philadelphia. PA. December 7. 1986.

"Political Legitimacy and Religion in American Politics," New York University lecture. December 10. 1986.

"Bureaucracy, Advanced Technology and Managerial Elites." Second Annual Conference on Social Stratification and Social Mobility in Comparative Perspectives. Dubrovnik. Yugoslavia, April 6-17, 1987.

Homage to Joseph Bensman, Eastern Sociological Society Meetings Boston. MA. May 1, 1987.

"The Sociology of Joseph Bensman," City University Sociology Alumni Association. November, 1987.
"Religion, Mass Communications and Political Legitimacy in American Politics," Graduate Humanities Seminar, Gallatin Division, New York University, December. 1987.

"The Rhetorics of American Politics," New York University. Graduate Humanities Division. November 30, 1988.

"Public Opinion, Mass Media and American Politics," Fordham University, March 18, 1988.

"Politics and Public Opinion," New York University, Graduate Humanities Division, November 30, 1988.

"The American Middle Classes and Politics," The East Side International Community Center, New York. January 31, 1989.

"Public Opinion in American Politics," The East Side International Community Center, New York, February 28, 1989.
"Herman Schmalenbach and Gregory Stone," Arizona State University, 1989 Gregory Stone Symbolic Interaction Symposium. March 16-18, 1989.

"Mass Communications and American Politics: Plebiscitory Democracy," Univ. of Connecticut, April 11, 1989.

"Presidents, Journalists and Public Opinion," New College, Sarasota, PL, April 17, 1989.

"Individualism and Populism." Thurau Kulturwissenschaftliches Gesprach. Bayreuth, Germany, June 9-ll. 1989.

The American Presidency and the Press,” Lake Forest College, September 26, 1989.

Politics Public Opinion and Propaganda." New York University, Graduate Humanities Center, November 29, 1989.

"Political Rhetorics and Mass Media in the 1988 Presidential Campaign, Gregory Stone Conference, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL, February, 1990.

Political, Religious and Economic Dimensions of American Capitalism, Dubrovnik, May 1990.

Herbert Blumer on Industrialization and Social Change,” Symposium Commentator, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism, Washington DC, August 1990.

“A New End to the Cold War: Changing Relations Between East and West." New York University. Graduate Humanities Division, November 1990.

Social Theory and the Substantive Problems of Sociology." SSSI Stone Symposium, University of California, San Francisco. February 1991.

"Social Theory and Field Research," Williams College, May 1991.

"Yugoslavia in Transition." Chair of Panel, New College. University of Florida Conference on Eastern Europe, March 25-27, 1991.

"Social and Economic Trends in American Society," New York University, Gallatin Division, November 1991.

"Liberty and Individualism in the Thought of Henry David Thoreau " conference participant, New College, Sarasota, Florida. January 1992.

"The American Political Economy," A.K.D. Keynote Address, Seton Hall University. April 1992.

"Others and Brothers: the O.S.S. and the F.B.I, at Harvard " University of Maryland, College Park, conference on Academic Knowledge and Political Power- November 1992.

"American Democracy and the Electoral Process," New York University, Gallatin Division. November 1992.

"Prospects for the Clinton Presidency," United Nations Lecture February 1993.

The Causes of Yugoslavia’s Dissolution,” organizer and chair of panel, New College, University of Florida, Conference on Eastern Europe, March 1993.

“Problems for the Clinton Presidency,” A.K.D. Keynote Address, University of Dayton, April 1993.

"Krohn Symposium Lecture", New School, February 22, 1994.

"Political and Economic Irrationalities in Our Time", New York University Gallatin Division, November 22, 1994.

"Towards a Rational Grasp of Irrationality: Social and Economic Theory In Our Time," Distinguished Lecture presented to SSSI Association in Washington, D.C., August 20, 1995.

"Some Gaps in Social and Economic Theory," paper presented at sociology meetings, Washington, D.C., August 21, 1995.

"Some Underlying Tensions in Multi-Ethnic, Multi-Racial United States," New York University, Gallatin, Division. November 28, 1995.

"International Classes and Cultures: Social, Economic and Political Dimensions," presented at the biennial meeting of The International Thorstein Veblen Association, Carlton College, Northfield, MN, May 29 - June 1, 1996.

"Political Ceremonies and Political Participation: The Meaning of the 1996 Elections," New York University, Gallatin Division, November 19, 1996.


“Political Dimensions of Colonial Administration,” London School of Economics, England, 1950
“Problems of nationalism in the Third World,” VIth Latin American Congress of Sociology, Caracas, Venezuela, 1958, published in Congress Proceedings.

"Proposal for a Study of Venezuelan Leadership," unpublished 1961, written for Venezuelan research organization, CENDES, as part of proposed joint MIT-New School study of Venezuela sponsored by the Ford Foundation.

Political Conflict in Colombia,” paper presented to Colombian Sociological Association, 1964, while serving as Ford Foundation Consultant to Universidad Nacional.
“Personality and Bureaucracy,” paper presented to VIIth International Congress of Psychology, Moscow, 1967, under a grant from the ford Foundation.
International Congress of Sociology, Evian, 1967.
First International Sociological Conference on Participation and Self Management, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1972, invited participant

"Legitimacy Problems of Capitalist and Communist Countries," University of Zagreb, Yugoslavia, Colloquium, 1973

United Nations Conference on "Rural Industrialization In Developing Countries," Bucharest, Rumania, Fall 1973

The International Council of the University Emergency Conference on the Crisis of the University," Venice, Fall 1973, Invited Participant

International Conference on the Social Sciences and Problems of Development, Tehran, Iran. Jointly sponsored by the University of Iran and Princeton University, Spring 1974

"Social Conflict in the Era of Detente." New School-Bonn Conference on Is Peace Possible? (June 1974)

"Aspen Institute Persepolis Symposium on "Iran, Past, Present and Future. Persepolls, Iran, September 1975, Invited Participant

"Ideological Themes In American Anthropology." Mexico City. Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association. November 1975

"The Crisis of Western Capitalism," University of Munich. Institute fur Polltlsche Wissenschaft, June 1978

The present Situation of American Sociology." University of Hong Kong, July 1978

Kyoto-American Summer Studies Seminar, Kyoto, Japan, Distinguished Lecturer, "Social and Cultural Change In the United States," August 1978

Lectures on American Society sponsored by the International Communications Agency in Tokyo, Fukuoka, Sapporo, Seoul and Teagu. Mr. Hlei Seminar for experts, "Ideology and Political Instability," August 18, 1978

Inter-university Centre for Post-Graduate Studies, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia.
Conference on the New Social Movements and the Democratization of Society
March 28-April 1, 1984. Paper: "Social Movements and Society: A Theory
of Social Process in the American Commonwealth"

Lecture, University of Ljubljana, "Religion and American Politics," April 4, 1984

Lecture, University of Rome, April 17, 1984, "Religion and American Politics"


University of Puerto Rico, Social Science Research Council
Wenner-Gren Foundation
American Philosophical Association
American Council of Learned Societies
Ford Foundation
NIMH Research Training Program at the Graduate Faculty
United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare


Iron Cross Honorary Society, University of Wisconsin, 1942
Thayer Fellow, Harvard University, 1951
Recipient, I. Peter Gelman Award for distinguished service
to the Eastern Sociological Society, 1975
Chair. Community Section, American Sociological Association
Fellow, Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society


Distinguished Fulbright Lecturer, Yugoslavia, May-June, 1986
American Sociological Association. Section on Community. 1987: Robert and Helen Lynd Award for Lifetime Contributions to Research in Community


Editorial Advisor, Appleton-Century-Crofts (1966-1973)
Member, Editorial Board. Social Research. 1971-present
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Political and Military
Sociology. 1973-present
Member, Advisory Board, Small Towns Institute, 1970-present
Sociology and Anthropology Editorial Advisor to Appleton- Century-Crofts 1966-1973
Member of Task Force on Social and Cultural Factors in Community Mental Health Training, 1972-1973
Member, Steering Committee, National Recreation and Park Assoc., Second National Forum, 1968-1969
Editorial Advisor In Sociology to Praeger Publishing Co.,
Editor, "Viewpoints in Sociology" Series, 1973-1975
Editorial Advisor, John Wiley and Sons, 1973-1975
Consultant on film production, THROUGH ALL TIME, Public
Broadcasting, San Diego, San Diego State College, 1973-1975
Member, Advisory Screening Committee, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 1979-1982
Reader for Free Press, Allyn and Beacon, University of Massachusetts Press, Associated Faculty Press


Appointed as Advisory Editor to Appleton Century Crofts in Anthropology and Sociological Theory. December 1966.

Editor: State, Culture and Society; An International Journal of the Social, Cultural and Political Sciences
Editor: Studies in Polity and Civil Society, a publication addressed to Issues in the social, cultural and political sciences
Editor, International Journal of POLITICS, CULTURE AND SOCIETY
Series Editor (with Robert Jackall), Character and Institutions in the Modern Era: Reinventing Social Theory: New York University Press, 12 Volumes.
Series Editor, Main Trends in the Modem Epoch, Nine Volumes, NYU Press, first four volumes appear in November 1994. Four additional volumes issued in 1997, 1998, 2000 and 2002.
Senior Editor, The International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society.


General Seminar, March, 1966, “The United States and the Underdeveloped World.”
Chairman of Sociology and Anthropology Department
Member of Budget and Executive Committee.
Member of University Research Committee.


Co-Director, First Four Annual Meetings of the Institute for the Study of Contemporary Society, Brattleboro, VT, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996.

Director of First Annual Meeting of the International Thorstein Veblen Society, January 1994, New School for Social Research. Co-Director, Second Biennial Meeting, Carlton College, Northfield, MN, 1996.

Co-Director of annual Conference on Social Structures in Comparative and Historical Perspectives,” Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, 1982-1991.

Graduate Faculty Sociology Department Staff Seminar. 1983- present

Hans Speier Memorial Symposium, New School for Social Research Symposium honoring the establishment of the Hans Speier Distinguished Professorship in Sociology and 'Political Science, April 1993.

Co-Director. First Annual Meeting, Institute for the Study of Contemporary Society, New School for Social Research, January 20-22, 1993.


Co-Founder. Institute for the Study of Contemporary Society (1992)
Founder and Co-Director, International Thorstein Veblen Association


American Sociological Association (Fellow)
American Anthropological Association (Fellow)
Eastern Sociological Society
Latin American Studies Association
Slavic Studies Association
American Studies Association
Caribbean Studies Association
Slovene Studies Association
Fulbright Alumni Association